
Lettuceliv’s Travel Journal Day Two: Boston

Today we woke up with the plan to have breakfast, check out Harvard and Cambridge area and then head over to Boston city centre, and eat more food! We woke up a little later then we had expected. I find I always sleep past the…

Peppermint Gluten-Free Holiday Sugar Cookies

    With Christmas quickly approaching I have been mentally preparing my usually script of “yes I get protein.” and “no i don’t eat chicken.” and my personal favorite (because my family is very Italian) “No I will pass on the cheese”. So with my…

Easy Vegan Shepherd’s Pie Recipe

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Hey everyone! So if you follow me on snapchat you’ll notice I have a surplus of swisschards and all I’ve been doing is finding new recipes to hide them in . So if you want to be a witness to…

Overnight Chia Pudding Breakfast Bowl

hello friends, This recipe is my chia pudding breakfast bowl. Before I start it seems like its been months since my last post… well its true actually last time I posted on my site was february… how embarrassing!  alot has happen since then, two whole seasons…

for the inner child in all of us.

When I was a child I would go crazy for fruit roll ups the overly sugar food coloring filled process food- was delicious. to this day if I walk into a grocery store and see them lining a shelf I stand there hesitating… should iIget…