If your one of my regular readers than you will know that I am very fond of unicorns. So fond of in fact that a couple months back I wrote a blog post completely about my unicorn obsession. I will link that post at the…
Tag: cruelty-free

Mother Gaia Box from Goddess Provisions
I am so happy to see the success of goddess Provisions boxes, I’ve been an avid supporter since the beginning of this companies creation. The June Mother Gaia goddess Provisions box is a lovely curated medley of beautiful cruelty free conscious brands. This box is…

All About LettuceLiv’s Unicorn Obsession!
This past week Instagram and social media was completely over turned with Starbucks new and limited time only unicorn frapp… well this had me thinking that I literally own way too much unicorn stuff… This all started way before unicorns were cool. I mean…

LettuceLiv’s Essential Guide to Vegan Makeup 2017
It’s been almost a full year since I’ve posted an “Essentials Guide” And it is long over due! Also, I’ve noticed my Instagram has shifted to almost completely being food based with rare appearances of products, reviews, workouts and inspirational quotes. Well this was not…