I came up with this recipe because Christmas day is my dog, Bubbles second birthday… I know what your thinking this woman has really lost her marbles but just hear me out for a second. When I think of Christmas I think of spending…
Month: December 2016

Chunky and Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies
<a href=”https://www.bloglovin.com/blog/14688459/?claim=ba9qwk7bx4w”>Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> Growing up my most favorite cookies where my mom’s home made peanut butter cookies, I could sit there and eat the whole tray in one sitting. Her cookies were small and round and very very dense. If I’m not…

Peppermint Gluten-Free Holiday Sugar Cookies
With Christmas quickly approaching I have been mentally preparing my usually script of “yes I get protein.” and “no i don’t eat chicken.” and my personal favorite (because my family is very Italian) “No I will pass on the cheese”. So with my…