This month I received such lovely news: I was nominated by TWO fellow vegan bloggers for a online blogging award! This award is given to fellow bloggers to help showcase their awesome work via the Blogger Recognition Award.
I genuinely want to thank The Wanderlust Vegans and Nuts and Walnuts for taking the time to read my posts and wanting to share my blog with your loyal followers. It means a lot to me knowing there is an amazing community of bloggers who have each other’s back!
The Wanderlust Vegans – Your Travel blogs are so inspiring! I enjoy reading your adventures in the UK and hearing about the yummy vegan food you came across!
NustandWalnuts– Your blog is so comforting to me. I love the crochet doilies presented with all your recipes as I happen to be a crochet nerd. I enjoy making little crochet teddy bears and I have a bunch of crochet trinkets that my grandmother and great aunt send me from Italy!
Why I started Blogging?
My initiation to the blogging world started in 2014 and prior to that my posts were exclusively on Instagram. My journey to a healthier lifestyle started way back in 2012 and I used Instagram to document my lifestyle and food choices so I could hold myself accountable for my daily actions. Throughout the first year of my journey, I really began to learn about animal cruelty and the huge effects that eating meat has on our bodies and our environment. I tried to cram lengthy recipes, facts and reviews on my Instagram page beneath my tiny square photo. I finally took the plunge when I realised my little Instagram community was growing and my followers wanted more recipes, reviews and facts but I didn’t have enough space for it all! Alas, was born early December 2014 and if you want the ENTIRE back-story, you’ll find it in my ‘About’ section!
Advice for New Bloggers
My first piece of advice for new bloggers is to find your voice. Figure out what you are the most comfortable with when it comes to the way you write. The only way I am comfortable writing posts are when they sound just like how I would say it- as though I was in front of you speaking. This makes me the most comfortable and lets me express myself with small tid-bits and jokes along the way!
My second piece of advice for a new blogger is to always speak from your heart and write about what you know. The worst thing you can do is start writing about something you’re unsure of or don’t believe in- your readers will know and you likely won’t have any repeat followers. Always be genuine!
The rules to take part in this award:
Thank the Blogger who nominated you, provide a link to their blog and a brief description of who they are
Write a post to show off your fancy new award
Give a brief story of how you started your blog
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
Select bloggers you nominate
Comment on each blog to let them know you nominated them!
(and make sure you give them the link so they can read your post)
This is my favourite part because I read a bunch of blogs and I love seeing the community of bloggers I became friends with grow and succeed
I nominate:
(side note I realise I found a lot my favourite bloggers through Instagram! THEY are all great Instagram accounts too so go check those out also)
I want to congratulate all the winners and I can’t wait to read about who you choose
Love this post, learning how you got into blogging… It’s a very big step for everyone when starting a blog. So glad you did though 💚
Thank you for your kind words… my blog is new and I really aprecciate our little FB group and being accepted. And for crochets… I love them too. You make figures out of it? Wow! Would love to see! It’s a real art… I never learned even the simplest designs, but I guess the skill skipped the generation, my daughter nailed it! 🙂
I’m whishing you lots and lots more of great recipes, posts, success, awards and above all, happines and health in everything. It’s good to know, you, Olivia! 😀 xx